The May 22nd Catholic School Matters Radio Hour with Dr. Tim Uhl features 4 great guests: Dr. Timothy O'Malley from the McGrath Institute for Church Life at Notre Dame discusses liturgy in Catholic schools; Jill Anable from the Dio of Grand Rapids & Julie Cantillon from the Dio of San Diego discuss their innovative professional development programs; and Bernard Dumond discusses work supporting Catholic schools #catholicschoolmatters
Episode 154 of the Catholic School Matters Radio Hour with Dr. Tim Uhl presents two great conversations which happened at the NCEA 2019 Convention. First, Sr. Angie Shaughnessy of LMU discusses legal issues in and around Catholic schools and then a panel of Catholic university leaders (Tom Kiely from Marquette, Sr. Rosemarie Nassif from LMU, and Kristin Melley from the Roche Center at Boston College) discuss how Catholic universities support Catholic K-12 schools. #catholicschoolmatters
This week's Catholic School Matters Radio Hour (Episode 153) is five great conversations between Dr. Tim Uhl and Catholic school leaders from across the country. Jason Curtis, the principal of Cardinal Gibbons HS; Steve Perla, the superintendent from Fall River; Dr. Beate Nguyen, the principal of St. Augustine in LA; Dr. Paul Barker, president of OL Good Counsel HS in MD; and Mary Ann Murphy, the long-time principal of Immaculate Conception in downtown LA. #catholicschoolmatters