Kevin Kijewski, the superintendent of Catholic schools for the Archdiocese of Detroit, joins Dr. Tim Uhl on the Catholic School Matters podcast to discuss the Family of Parishes Model in the Archdiocese of Detroit & its impact on Catholic schools #catholicschoolmatters
Dr. Thomas Chadzutko, the Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Brooklyn, joins Dr. Tim Uhl on the Catholic School Matters podcast to discuss the innovative academy model which reorganized parish schools in the Diocese of Brooklyn #catholicschoolmatters
Michael Deegan, the Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Archdiocese of New York, joins Dr. Tim Uhl on the Catholic School Matters podcast to discuss the process of centralizing & regionalizing the Catholic elementary schools in the Archdiocese which began earlier this centry #catholicschoolmatters
Lincoln Snyder, the current Superindent of Schools for the Diocese of Sacramento & the president-elect of NCEA, joins Dr. Tim Uhl on the #catholicschoolmatters podcast to discuss the governance innovations he helped implement in Sacramento as well as the changes ahead for NCEA